Fr. Ryan Adorjan

A Priest of the Diocese of Joliet

Former chaplain and Head of School for a Chesterton Academy

Four years ago, a small seed was planted in our Lord’s garden.  Over the last four years, this seed sprung forth into a tree bearing the fruits of a Classical Catholic High School education.  Unlike any other school within the Archdiocese of Chicago, Chesterton Academy of the Immaculate Heart offers an integrated curriculum that develops our students in Intellect, Character and Spirituality.  Our unique school connects the humanities, mathematics and the sciences, along with a robust fine arts program that educates our students in Truth, Beauty and Goodness.  It has been an amazing journey and as we begin our fifth year, we turn our focus to the future and how we can continue to both sustain and grow the fruits of this tree in the Garden of the Lord.

On Saturday, November 23rd, 2024, we will be conducting our first annual Vision Dinner at the Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling.  There are four main reasons we’re holding this dinner. First, we want to celebrate what God is doing in the lives of high school students here in the Northwest Chicago suburbs. Second, we hope to cast a vision for how we believe God wants us to grow our classical school.  Third, we will enjoy fellowship with one another. Lastly, we will use this dinner to invite a greater portion of the community to participate through prayer and financial partnership with us as we reach students and families for Christ. As we trust God for these things, we need your help.