Fall Play (9th/10th) and Spring Play (11th/12th)

Four Years of Studio Art

Ways To Give

For one time credit or recurring gifts:



Payable to CATIH and mailed to:

Chesterton Academy of the Immaculate Heart

27551 Volo Village Rd. Volo, IL 60073

$7,300.00 - Pays tuition for one student for one year

$3,650.00 - Pays half tuition for a student for one year

$2,500.00 - Pays gym rental for one of our sports program

$2000.00 - Pays for yearly retreats and local pilgrimage costs

$1,000.00 - Pays for Art supplies

$500.00 - Pays book and supply fees for one student

Financial Aid

Keeping tuition affordable for families and offering financial aid for families in need is part of our Chesterton mission. Please consider giving to our Tuition Financial Aid Fund in order to provide this unique education to a number of our students who could not attend our school without your generous support.

Sports Program

Gentlemen’s Soccer | Ladies Volleyball | Gentlemen’s Basketball

Sports is an important aspect of character formation and we encourage every student to participate in sports. Since our school building does not have a gym, we must rent gym space for our sports programs which is a significant financial cost. Our current cost is $6000 to cover the facility rental for sports practices and games.

Chesterton Academy of The Immaculate Heart is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you for your generous donation!