Summer Reading

Please complete summer reading by August 21, 2024.

Chesterton Academy students are required to read an assigned book over the summer. Students are expected to carefully read their assigned books before the start of the year. Please bring the book to school when you bring your school supplies at the beginning of the year. There will be discussions and a quiz on the summer reading assignment early in the school year in literature class.

The assigned book will be the first topic for discussion and study once classes begin, so be sure to work through the study guide as you read.

9th Grade

  • Greek Mythology by Edith Hamilton (ISBN: 9780316223331) - Study Guide

10th Grade

  • The Restless Flame: A Novel About St. Augustine by Louis De Wohl (ISBN: 978-0898706031) - Study Guide

11th Grade

  • The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (ISBN: 9780060652937) - Study Guide

12th Grade

  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (ISBN:9780486282114) - Study Guide